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Property inspections

How we inspect the property during the tenancy

We conduct a comprehensive inspection of the property when a tenant first moves in. The first inspection occurs approximately 6 weeks after the tenancy starts and then approximately every 3 months after that.

We inspect your property area by area and then all items present in each area such as walls, light fittings, curtains etc and record their condition and cleanliness. We also take photos inside and outside the property.

We note any repairs reported or observed by us and any other recommendations needed to assist you in keeping the property in the best condition possible.

When the tenant vacates the property we send them detailed information on our expectations of how the property needs to be presented and when the tenant has fully vacated, we compare the property to the inspection report completed when the tenant moved into the property ensuring it has been left in the same condition as when they moved in, taking into account reasonable wear and tear.

If you have any questions about how we inspect property during tenancy or property management in Bunbury please contact Stacie today.

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